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středa 30. ledna 2013

GLT in Slovakia

During the last weekend I had an opportunity to participate at one event named GLT (Group Leadership Training) Whole event was placed at the near village Terchová and we were living at cottage named Small Fatra. Accommodation was quite good even though the lower part of the cottage was really wet and cold, but after whole Saturday outdoor I think everywhere was warmer then outside. There were 23 of us, including people who were preparing food for us.  On Friday leaders introduced us the program and when we had thought we supposed to go to bed they gave us snowshoes and we went for a little walk to the mountains above the village. It was very nice and extraordinary to have such a trip during the night. Because when else you would go running it he field during the night, right? We went back about eleven thirty and fortunately leaders were so kind that they skipped the other program and we were allowed to go to bed. On Saturday as I said before we were outdoor whole day – building igloos. I have built igloo and slept in it before thanks to my experiences from Royal Rangers, where I went during my childhood and then was part of the leading team. But it was really interesting for me to learn how to built igloo correctly, but I would never thought about cutting snow blocks out of the snow and then building an igloo from them. It was really awesome experience, even though Swiss told us the snow is pretty bad for building anything. We interrupted our building twice – for food of course. There was one group in charge of preparing lunch for us. We had cheese fondue and then meet which we boiled in prepared broth + Miloš Myjavec brought us rise from the cottage. As a dessert we had chocolate fondue with fruits. We came to the cottage just to have time to take a shower before dinner. After dinner Janči had a talk about changes. It was very interesting for me, because, to tell you the truth I hate changes. But I am well aware of the fact we all need to know how to deal with them because they just filling our lives. As closure we had a short time of worships and prayers and then Magnificent nine pack their few things and went out to sleep to the igloos. I was not between them, so I will not try to describe how they liked the night, but when I remember how I had slept in the igloo I was really surprised how warm it was inside, at least as warm as to be able to sleep at night. Sunday morning was really tough. We had to wake up one hour earlier to have enough time to go to one mountain called Stoh. We have not made it to the top though, but it was nice trip. Even though just half of us went to the trip and other stayed under the mountain and sledged on the plastic bags. At the end we evaluate the whole weekend, to do all formalities.
To summarize it: I had a great time! Because it is not so usual to spent whole weekend outside with snowshoes on with so many great people and learn new skill can come handy one day.
You can see some photos below:

středa 16. ledna 2013

Wonderful week / Nádherný týden

Last week was just awesome. I do not know why but all week I just felt so much joy that sometimes I wondered if it is even good for me. Otherwise it was just an ordinary week. Every morning I shoveled the snow and I am telling you it was interesting how much snow has fallen every day. I think it was more and more every day. But I am not sure, maybe I was just more and more tired. Then I "worked" at the office every day and in the afternoon I spent time in a club with young people. I did not have my English conversation because children had still their holydays. And I think mainly because of that they did not come to other activities as they usually do. So there were less people everywhere but we still had really great time at the teenager´s meetings and then on Friday I and girls from younger teenager group we went to visit one of their formal leader who has a baby now. We made hot-dogs and talk about our new year´s verse which we have tossed in the church last Sunday. It says that we have our sins forgiven but we should not keep this news just for ourselves but to talk about it with others. I think it was encouraging for all of us, to remember this thing what is so well known but so easily forgotten. Then we went to Spanish party at club where we learnt many funny things about Spain, played their crazy games etc. On Saturday I had cleaned a house and then I realized I was having nothing to do at all. Fortunately Tomáš saved me and invited me to the trip to a nearby tower ruins with him and his mum. It was great trip enjoying just the fact I could be outdoor in our beautiful nature which round Zilina. I came home just in time to get ready for youth group meeting, where we were talking about our new year´s verse again. At first we were talking about our personal verses. I have tossed, well not me but Evka have tossed for me verse from Lamentations 3:39 and I think it pretty much fits my situation. Then we talked about a verse which was tossed for the youth group. It says: I am Your servant; give me understanding so that I may know Your decrees. Majo had very interesting talk about it but very very long so at the end I was not able to concentrate at all. And Sunday was so full - lunch at Danka and Ajo´s, movie with girls at my home and then visit to the other Tomáš who is sick all week with Aďka, Dušan and Tomáš. 

Minulý týden byl naprosto super! Ani vlastně nevím proč, ale celý týden jsem cítila tolik radosti, že jsem si občas říkala, jestli to vůbec je zdravý :D Mimo to, to byl naprosto obyčejný týden. Každé ráno jsem odhrnula sníh, co byl před domem a řeknu vám, nevím jestli každý den nasněžilo víc sněhu nebo jsem byla jen víc unavená, ale každopádně jsem se ke konci týdne začala těšit na neděli, kdy mi končila odhrnovací služba. Dopoledne jsem pak trávila v kanceláři, kde jsem "pracovala" a odpoledne s lidma v klubu. Jelikož v pondělí tu ještě měli prázdniny, tak jsem neměla svou angličtinu a řekla bych, že díky tomu, že to byl první týden školy, tak lidi moc ani nenapadlo dojít na ostatní aktivity, ale s těma, co došli, jsme si užili kopec srandy, jako obvykle. V pátek před klubem, jsme zašly s holkama na návštěvu k jedné z bývalých vedoucích, která je momentálně doma a stará se o miminko, co se jí narodilo a tam jsme se bavily o veršíku, který pro naši holčičí skupinku vytáhla Lucka a kde se psala dobře známá  a často opomínaná věc o tom, že si nemáme nechávat pro sebe tu dobrou zprávu, která nás očistila od našich hříchů, ale máme o ní mluvit s lidmi kolem nás. No a pak nás v klubu čekala španělská párty, kde jsme se dozvěděli jo zajímavé věci o Španělsku :D V sobotu jsem dopoledne s hrůzou zjistila, že jsem stihla všecko uklidit už v jedenáct a mám  neplánovaně volný den! Naštěstí mě zachránil Tomáš, který mě i s jeho maminkou pozval na výlet na nedalekou zříceninu, takže jsem nemusela celý den sedět doma nebo se poflakovat po městě. Večer jsem šla samozřejmě na mládež, která byla jako obvykle moc dobrá, no tentokrát docela hodně dlouhá. Nejspíš hlavně kvůli tomu, že na začátku jsme se hodinku sdíleli, potom každý četl svůj novoroční veršík a mluvil o tom, co pro něho znamená a pak měl Majo slovo na novoroční veršík, co vytáhl pro mládež. Můj veršík, který mi vytáhla Evka je z Pláče 3:39 a myslím si, že na mě celkem sedí. Mládežnický veršík je ze žalmu 119:125 a Majo na něj měl hodně dobré slovo, nicméně ke konci jsem se přistihla při tom, že nejsem schopná se jakkoli soustředit. Neděli jsme měla nezvykle plnou. Ranní shromko, oběd u Danky a Aja, film s holkama a nakonec společná návštěva s Aďkou, Dušanem a Tomášem našeho druhého Tomáše, který byl už týden nemocný.